Monthly Coach Highlight Shannon Rocha, Customer Experience Coach

Newsroom | 4 min read | September 5, 2024

- By Elsa Chase, Digital Marketing Specialist

This month, we sat down with Customer Experience Coach Shannon Rocha to chat about her journey through the trades, what brought her to Nexstar, and to learn a little more about her.

Q: Where and when did you get your start in the trades?
A: My professional background is mainly comprised of retail and retail management. I “fell” into the trades when I was in a transition period of my life back in 2011, needing to move away from a schedule that was mostly nights and weekends. Once there, I had an instant admiration for every human working in that building. I can say that I’d never acknowledged the amount of work that goes into the trades – from there I was hooked!

Q: What brought you to Nexstar?
A: I had some wonderful mentors that I worked with in the trades who became a part of this wonderful organization. Seeing them live a higher purpose and serve members is something that I wanted to experience for myself!

Q: Is there someone who inspired your journey into the trades?
A: My father spent his life working with his hands in a variety of ways. He’s always made every repair and upgrade to his home and vehicles himself. Growing up, I watched him complete his engineering degree and complete his full journeyman license as an electrician – just so he could do all his own electrical on his house!

That’s always how I thought it was, until I joined the trades myself and learned how smart, strong, and savvy you must be to diagnose, repair, and install! The respect I have for my dad has more than tripled because of my experience in the trades.

Q: What are some of the career milestones that have been important in guiding you to your role as a coach?
A: As a call center manager early on, I was honored to serve a small team in a location that was just beginning the process of creating their own call center. From there, I was able to get my hands dirty and learn everything there was to learn from the ground up. That was such a great experience for me – and it’s one that I bring into much of my coaching!

Through the experience I had, we were able to scale the company – and my call center became regional – more than five times our department’s staffing! Being part of that journey has helped me related to every leader who is starting out, all the way to the leaders who have centralized their centers. Having the experience of living through these best practices has positioned me to empathize through the difficulties of implementation.

Q: What does your typical day look like as a coach?
A: I always start my day with a 5/5/20 and a good workout to get my brain on track. From there, I look at my day as a whole and I start getting myself familiarized with the members I’ll be serving, and what we spoke about the last time we met if applicable.

Coaching is such a beautiful thing because it’s so much more than just coaching; we balance cheerleading and challenging.

Q: What’s the best part of your job and why?
A: The connections I’ve made are hands down the best part of my job! Being part of Nexstar surpasses being knowledgeable with the content. Connecting with good humans every day and watching them win is what fills my cup the most each day. I also happen to love the smell of warehouses, so being onsite and in the businesses of the people we serve gives me an energy that has been unmatched in any other role I’ve had.

Q: What’s your greatest superpower?
A: My superpower is resilience. When things get tough, my instinct is to lean in and figure it out. I’m very grateful to be wired that way, and my hope is that my three daughters will pick up on what it looks like to stay disciplined through challenges and be open to adapting as needed.

Q: What do you do to relax when you’re not at work?
A: I love a good outfit, so getting dressed up and going out exploring is a favorite way for me to unwind. I also love to eat, but have never mastered the skill of cooking, so I like to try new restaurants often. If we aren’t out and about, you will catch me at home with my family, our friends, our German Shepherd named Cruz, a fire, some music, and a TON of laughs.

Shannon and her family, including her husband and stepchildren.

Q: What are some of your passions?
A: I am passionate about being someone who others can rely on. Bringing out confidence in others is a goal for every relationship I have.

Q: Anything else you’d like to share?
A: If you’re reading this, I hope you’ve done one thing today that you’re proud of. I also hope you take a moment to show love to someone who may need it. A smile goes a long way, and you never really know how that can change someone’s entire day. Positivity is contagious – BE the change!

If you’re interested in becoming a Nexstar member, click HERE and someone from our team will be in touch with you!

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